Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sometimes you just have to create something....anything....

.....to get your creative juices going. I've been trying to create a collage today, but of what...I just don't know. I've been mulling over size, image, color, theme..... Nothing is inspiring me. So, I decided to switch gears and rubber stamp a card, instead. Maybe it's because I have piles and piles of laundry that have to be done. Maybe it's my right foot that's keeping me distracted (it's been bothering me since yesterday. It hasn't fully recovered since I twisted it two weeks ago) . I don't know. Sometimes, I'm more creative late in the evening, than I am during the day. I think once I've got a few more loads of laundry done, and have dinner in the oven, I'll be more inspired to try my hand at a collage.....


shuggy said...

i like this. it's very pretty!! thanks for adding me to your blog!! i'm so excited!!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is gorgeous! So simple and elegant